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Press Release

April 1, 2021

4/1/2021 Update on COVID-19

Update on COVID-19 Keeping our staff, partners, and volunteers safe and minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus is our top priority. Given... Read More »

November 24, 2020

OPINION: Massachusetts leaders must deliver relief to poor families now

Read at: OPINION Massachusetts leaders must deliver relief to poor families now While everyone is suffering at some level, the suffering isn’t... Read More »

June 17, 2020

Update on COVID-19

  Update on COVID-19 Keeping our staff, partners, and volunteers safe and minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus is our top priority.... Read More »

March 9, 2020

Update on COVID-19

Update on COVID-19 Keeping our staff, partners, and volunteers safe and minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus is our top priority at... Read More »

March 5, 2019

Cradles to Crayons Brings Forth Issue of Childhood Poverty with Visit to Massachusetts State House

Representative Marjorie Decker, Representative Michael Moran, and Cradles to Crayons present a briefing on the issue of Clothing Insecurity On Thursday, February 28,... Read More »

October 29, 2018

Cradles to Crayons Expands Leadership Team

Leading nonprofit announces Jennifer Askjaer as Executive Director in Boston (Boston, MA ─ October 29, 2018)- Cradles to Crayons® is proud to announce... Read More »

July 12, 2018

July Fourth Tribute Honors 38 Distinguished Immigrants

GREAT AMERICANS, GREAT IMMIGRANTS  Carnegie Corporation of New York released its annual list of Great Immigrants on June 28 comprised of 38 naturalized... Read More »

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