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Thanks for volunteering at The Giving Factory.

Fill out the form to the right and let’s get started.

A volunteer shift in The Giving Factory warehouse involves hands-on processing of the donated goods that flow in on a regular basis. Each station in our warehouse includes inspecting, sorting, and packaging donations to ultimately be distributed to the children we serve.

When You Arrive

  • A Cradles to Crayons staff member will greet you in the front door and lead you to the visit’s first service activity.
  • Your shift will start promptly at your scheduled time, beginning with a brief orientation.
  • This orientation begins with an overview of Cradles to Crayons, points out a few places to note (bathrooms, water, etc.), and ends by bringing you and other volunteers to assigned stations.
  • Once at your station, your volunteer leader provides instructions about your task for the shift  and remains present during the entire shift for questions or assistance. About 10 minutes prior to the end of your shift, you will take a group picture and receive a brief wrap-up.