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College Corps

Be an Active Change Agent in Your Community

Cradles to Crayons is looking for enthusiastic, motivated student leaders to become key players in our busy, dynamic organization. Interns will gain experience in all areas of managing and growing a nonprofit. Interns will develop leadership, public speaking, and social entrepreneurship skills; and network with successful nonprofit, business, and community leaders.

As an active participant in our College Corps, you will:

  • Lead volunteer groups and provide positive volunteer experiences.
  • Enhance and implement new approaches to operational efficiency and organizational effectiveness.
  • Develop into powerful change leaders upon program completion.
  • Dedicate 10-15 hours a week during their semester long commitment.

Our College Corps is comprised of two different programs for volunteers of all different ages.

Internship Program & Calendar

Interns in our departmental and summer programs have the opportunity to gain skills and experience helpful to later success in the workplace. Internships are offered in 12-week, semester-long sessions:

  • Summer Session: June – August
  • Fall Session: September – December
  • Spring Session: January – May

Departmental Internships

Goals of the College Corps Departmental Internship Program include:

  • Assisting specific departments within Cradles to Crayons on special projects.
  • Developing skills in your given area of interest.
  • Growing as a leader through thoughtful guidance and feedback.

Learn about our openings!

For any program in our Giving Corps, email us with questions or inquiries at VolunteerPhiladelphia@CradlesToCrayons.Org

For more information, please download our College Corps Application. 

“I met many incredible people throughout this summer who demonstrated what it meant to be a strong leader.” -former College Corps Intern

“My favorite part of the College Corps program was getting the opportunity to share my passion for service with others, and getting them excited to make a tangible difference in local children’s lives.” -former College Corps Intern