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Help Us End Clothing Insecurity!

20 million kids across the U.S. lack access to affordable, appropriate clothing.

Join us in our mission to #EndClothingInsecurity so one day all children will have the essentials they need for a save and healthy childhood.


Help Us End Clothing Insecurity!

20 million kids across the U.S. lack access to affordable, appropriate clothing.

Join us in our mission to #EndClothingInsecurity so one day all children will have the essentials they need for a safe and healthy childhood.

Introducing our new CEO: Christine Morin!

We are proud and pleased to announce that — following a thorough national search, Christine Morin has agreed to become the next CEO of Cradles to Crayons®, effective February 24, 2025.

Christine embodies the heart of C2C®’s mission. She has spent her career advocating for youth and under-resourced communities, ensuring they have the tools and support they need to thrive. With her leadership, we know Cradles to Crayons’ best years are ahead.

Keep warm

Help Keep Children in Need Warm This Winter

Gear Up for Winter, Cradles to Crayons’ flagship winter initiative, provides warm coats and other essentials to families in your area who need them most before harsh weather conditions become an emergency.

Boston Chicago Philadelphia Donate

Not located near one of the above locations?
Find out how you can still help with Giving Factory Direct.

We’re Making a Difference in Children’s Lives.

Cradles to Crayons was founded on the philosophy that unused resources should be redistributed to the places they are needed most.

Families struggling to pay for rent and groceries often cannot afford anything else. Basic items for their children–properly fitting outfits for school, diapers, a backpack, shoes, pajamas, a coat for cold weather–are simply not possible.

Cradles to Crayons’ mission and model enable our volunteers and donors to turn compassion into action and provide the essential items children in need to thrive at school, participate fully in life, and simply be a kid.

Find a Local Dropoff

With supporters across the United States, Cradles to Crayons works to fight Children’s Clothing Insecurity directly in Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia , NYC, and San Francisco and focuses on raising awareness about this urgent crisis nationally.

Since 2002, we have supplied nearly six million packages of basic essentials like clothing, shoes, diapers, and school supplies to children who don’t have access to these critical resources. You can help us provide everyday essentials to local children in need by finding a local drop off near you.

Not located near one of our Boston, Chicago, or Philadelphia drop-offs? Learn more about how you can help with Giving Factory Direct.

Fund the Cause

Just  $33 serves one child head-to-toe.

Financial support from individuals, families, and companies sustains our work year round.

Fund the Cause

Donate Now

Host a Local Drive

In households across your community, there are closets, drawers and shelves full of new or like-new children’s clothes and books that are not being used.

By hosting a product collection drive for Cradles to Crayons, either in-house or out in the community, you help get these items to kids who desperately need them.

Get Started

Donate with Giving Factory Direct

Straight from your home to a child in need.

Our innovative new platform makes it easy to pack and ship the clothing you have to donate directly to a child with those needs! Sign up to expand our reach to even more kids across the United States.

Sign Up

Volunteer in the Giving Factory

We work with tens of thousands of families, individuals, community groups, and corporate volunteers in our Giving Factories® and at community-based events to provide more than 500,000 packages of essential items to children every year.

Learn How You Can Help

Corporate Engagement to End Children’s Clothing Insecurity

Giving Factory Direct makes it easy for your team to give back—whatever your work structure or location.

Our corporate volunteering initiatives connect our mission to put kids first with your corporate social accountability goals.

Learn More

Corporate Engagement to End Children’s Clothing Insecurity

Giving Factory Direct makes it easy for your team to give back—whatever your work structure or location.

Our corporate volunteering initiatives connect our mission to put kids first with your corporate social accountability goals.

Our Featured Partners

Our Service Partners

Our network of social service partners is a crucial link to the families and children we serve. We are committed to making our collaborative process as easy and streamlined as possible.

In The News

We host special events and activities throughout the year in our Giving Factories and in local communities to enable community groups, families, and businesses to support our mission and help neighbors in need.
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