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Update on COVID-19

Keeping our staff, partners, and volunteers safe and minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus is our top priority. Given the ever-changing situation, and the continued spread of the virus in communities across the U.S. and globally, we will be continuing the following measures to help ensure the well-being of our One Cradles to Crayons community.

  • Recycled Product Donations: We are accepting product donations at select drop-off locations. More than ever, we look to the community to help us meet critical needs for children’s essentials and encourage you to bring The Giving Factory experience home. We have several Giving Factory @ Home activites to choose from! Visit Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia Giving Factory @ Home pages for more information!
  • Volunteering at The Giving Factory: Volunteer activities at our Giving Factories vary by location and is subject to change. Please visit our Boston, Chicago, and Philadephia pages for details at those locations.
  • Resilience Fund and Essentials Distribution: Our community partners continue to rely on Cradles to Crayons to fulfill urgent needs for new diapers, school and art supplies, hygiene items, and other emergency essentials. We established the Resilience Fund to sustain distribution of these items to children who have been most impacted by the pandemic. Click here to help fund our COVID-19 support efforts.
  • Emergency and Everyday Essentials: We continue to serve our partners through the distribution of critical items such as diapers, hygiene supplies, and school supplies. We are committed to this continued effort and will be including other items such as clothing, shoes, and books as we continue to find more ways to meet our communities’ needs.

We know these decisions  impact our staff, volunteers, partners and most importantly, the kids and families we serve—we are continually working towards improving our operations during this time. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding and we will keep you informed of any new developments.

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