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Family Assistance

What to Do If Your Family Needs Assistance

Contact One of Our Service Partners for Help
At Cradles to Crayons, our whole purpose is to help families like yours to get the everyday essentials your children need. To enable us to assist as many families as possible, Cradles to Crayons distributes our children’s items through our network of Service Partners who are already in the community, working directly with families.

There are two ways for you to obtain needed items from Cradles to Crayons:

  • If your family is already receiving services from one of our Service Partners, ask your social worker or case manager if they can place an order for you.
  • If you are not receiving services from a Cradles to Crayons Service Partner, get in touch with one of the organizations in the list below to see if you qualify for their services.

    How to Read the Map
    The red button represents the center of your address or location search query. 
    The purple button represents service partners available.
    The green buttons are local points of interest generated by the Google Maps API. They are unrelated to Cradles to Crayons or service partners, but may be used as landmarks to locate a partner. 

      Are You A Service Partner?

      In the quest to eliminate child poverty, we’re all in this together. When you become a Cradles to Crayons Service Partner, we provide the everyday essentials you need so you can stay focused on the work you do with children and families — the resources and support you need to make your job easier. Learn more about becoming a partner >

      Our Items

      Items we provide through our Service Partners:

      • seasonally appropriate clothing
      • footwear
      • books
      • baby items
      • jackets and winter coats
      • hats and gloves
      • school and art supplies