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Children in Poverty Are in Your Community & You Can Help

When you give to Cradles to Crayons, you’re joining forces with a growing number of communities in Chicago who share our commitment to overcoming the impact of poverty on children.

A gift of $33 helps us provide a child with the everyday essentials they need.

Learn About Ways to Give to Help Kids and Families in Need

Ways to Help Children and Families in Need  >

The financial support we receive from individuals, families and companies sustains our work year-round, and we make it easy to donate funds by accepting them in various forms, including stock and dividends. Likewise, we offer various ways to donate children’s items at The Giving Factory or at one of our many drop-off locations.

Download our recipe book >

Whether it’s funds, goods or time, your donations to are put to exceptionally good use. Including Cradles to Crayons in the celebration of your milestone event is a great way to share the importance of giving back and to empower others to do the same. That’s why we’ve put together a Cradles to Crayons recipe book to help you plan your next event with giving in mind. Download our Recipe Book to inspire your next milestone event.

Fund The Cause

Financial support from individuals, families, businesses, and foundations sustains our work year-round. A gift of $33 enables us to impact the life of one child. With this in mind, we make it easy to donate funds by accepting gifts in various forms, including stock and dividends. Likewise, we offer various ways to donate children’s items at The Giving Factory warehouse for distribution to the children and families we we serve.

Donate Goods

A seasonally appropriate coat. A pair of shoes that fit. School supplies and books. Developmental toys. These are just some of the items a child living in poverty desperately needs. We’re looking for high-quality new and like-new items you are able donate. Help us stock The Giving Factory warehouse, either through your direct donations or by organizing a collection drive at home or at work.


We work with families, individuals, community groups, and corporate volunteers in our Giving Factory in Chicago and at community-based events to serve thousands of children every year. Your time is a valuable asset that we invite you to invest in us. Learn how you can help.

More Ways To Get Involved

Join the Conversation

Have something to say about childhood poverty? So do we. Follow Cradles to Crayons on social media, sign up for email to stay informed, or let us know about an opportunity to collaborate. Get in touch >

Become a Service Partner

The role fulfilled by our diverse Service Partners is a crucial link between Cradles to Crayons and the children we serve. So our whole focus is to make our collaborative process as easy and streamlined as possible. This helps us to empower the children you serve at home, at school and at play. By providing the everyday essentials that match their individual needs. Learn about service partner benefits >

Leadership Opportunities

Become a leader in the fight against childhood poverty. We provide opportunities for families, companies, community groups and individuals to get involved at a higher level through councils, sponsorship, memberships and our Giving Corps. Lead the way >